Why I Chose to be Wiccan

So, as a child I was raised Southern Baptist. At the beginning, I was told “Jesus loves you. He has always loved you and always will.” I was also told that “God is a forgiving God” as well as “good people go to heaven; bad people go to hell.” As I got older, these things changed to “only Christians go to heaven,” “God is forgiving but only up until a point,” and “Jesus loves you as long as you are not _____.” I put up with these changes up until the point where they told me that I had to find ways to get people to convert from their religion of choice to Christianity because “Christianity is the only way.” It was at this point that I began to distance myself from Christianity.

For the past year or so, I have basically considered myself religion-less  I really didn’t have a religion, and I found myself missing that part of my life. Religion had been a major component of my life all growing up, and I kind of wanted it back. However, I have developed a certain negativity towards Christianity due to the current state of the religion (i.e. the amount of hatred that those who claim to be Christians have towards anyone who is even a little bit different). My mother and sister are both Wiccan, so this seemed like the perfect choice.

However, I didn’t make this choice until I found a random book about worshiping the Morrigan as the Goddess in Wicca. As I read it, I found myself becoming more and more confident that this was the Goddess for me and that Wicca was the religion that I needed. Wicca is a perfect fit for my needs and personality, and I have grown more confident in this through further reading.

Now, I am beginning this new religious journey with great excitement and hope. I have no plans of joining a coven, however, as I have kind of been turned off by organized religion. It seems to me that the more people you have involved in your religious worship, the more complicated and just plain old not enjoyable it becomes. Maybe I feel this way because I am an introvert or maybe it is because of my experiences with gossipers and cattiness at every church I have ever gone to.

In any case, I will be chronicling my experiences here. This way I can look back on these experiences and learn from them without too much to-do.

About jueln

I don't think that it is necessary to talk about myself. Anything that you want to know about me, you can probably learn from reading what I have to say or by asking me directly.
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3 Responses to Why I Chose to be Wiccan

  1. Lynne Kelly says:

    I think you have made a wise choice. I raised you to think for yourself and I am glad to see that you are doing so. Your reasons for choosing Wicca are, as I’m sure you are aware, the same ones that led me into the Path. I am so proud of you!

  2. Hi, there!
    So you are a real witch? Well, whaddaya know… I am a real Christian! I’ve always wanted to make the acquaintance of a wiccan (honestly, there are not very many where I live, so everything I’ve ever learned about Wicca is second hand information eg. college religion course. Needless to say, second hand information is never the most accurate, and always leaves you wanting more). I’ve only just discovered your blog, and am looking forward to reading more about your experiences.

    Like you, I am also interested in the paranormal (all things spiritual, really), and its expression in the cultural fiber of different nations and people groups. I’ve recently started a new blog (http://spiritualculture.wordpress.com/) just on this very subject in hopes of finding others (of different faiths, and cultures, preferably) who enjoy this topic as well. I would be very interested to have your opinion on various posts in the future.

    I see that you are writing a book: I think that’s wonderful. I am working on a couple of novels as well, and appreciate networking with other writers. It is always an opportunity to learn and improve our skills. I like your idea of posting your work on your blog… I just might steal that idea myself!
    Happy writing!

    • jueln says:

      I am a real Witch, although I only recently converted to Wicca. I may not be the best source of knowledge for all things Wiccan as I am just learning myself. Most of my knowledge has come from a handful of books, but I have been told by other Wiccans that these books are quite reliable.

      It is always nice to meet someone who is interested in other religious beliefs and how they have affected the cultures of the world. I am happy to help you as much as I can to understand my religion, again I am not a good source of information since I am a bit green at this time. I believe that having an understanding of the religious beliefs of others is the first step in building a more tolerant and respectful world.

      Feel free to steal my idea of posting your work on your blog; I am sure that I am not the first person to think of it. For me, it was an easy way to get people to read and review my work. I often worry that I am not taking my writing in the right direction, so it is nice to have an easy way for people to read and review my work.

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